Monday, November 19, 2001

I went to Chicago's new Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum's permanent exhibit, the Judy Istock Butterfly Haven, and was enchanted.
I never heard off these women, but I am grateful that Judy Istock gave or left money to build this Butterfly Haven. It is small, with lots of butterfly attracting plants, bushes, and trees. It is slightly warm and humid, and magnificent. There are probably half a thousand butterflies fluttering about, landing on plants and, occasionally, people. I watched as one went from hanging from a little stand as a cocoon to hatching out and drying its wings, and it was incredibly beautiful! This is something I have known about from books my whole life, but there were easily fifty varieties of butterflies there. The colors are amazing, and the people watching was almost as much fun as the butterflies!

We were there for two hours, and I could easily have stayed another three, but we had five year old Jake with us, and he wanted to go see the museum's other exhibits. His favorite was the gross one about how human insides wrok.

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